Privacy Policy 👁‍🗨

The administrator of the colorala web application is Maciej Kuran-Janowski . Please address correspondence regarding the privacy policy to

General information

The website is secured in the transmission layer (SSL certificate).

The website is hosted (technically maintained) on the operator's server:

Privacy 🔒

The website at the URL ( does not contain a registration/logging option.

Areas where various forms of data can be processed are:

Local storage 💾

The website uses a form of data storage in the local storage of the browser. The data that are saved in local storage are the palette of selected colors, information about accepting the privacy policy, information about accepting a welcome message with a short instruction manual. The data in local storage for a particular browser remains permanently saved until the user manually empties the browser's local storage.

Google Analytics & Cookies 🍪

The administrator uses statistical analysis of website traffic via Google Analytics (Google Inc., based in the USA). The operator ( does not provide personal data to Google Analytics, only anonymized information. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user's terminal device. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the final device of the Service Recipient. With regard to the information on user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit the information resulting from cookies using the Google tool.

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